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In this section you will find recipes of how you can use Just Functional for the most common scenarios.

Constant Expressions

string fx = "(3+2)^2";
Function f = new Function(fx);
decimal result =  f.Evaluate(new EvaluationContext());
//result = 25

Function with single variable

string fx = "(X+2)^2";
Function f = new Function(fx);
decimal result =  f.Evaluate(new EvaluationContext(new Dictionary<string, decimal>(){["X"]=3}));
//result = 25

Function with multiple variables

string fx = "(X+Y)^2";
Function f = new Function(fx);
decimal result =  f.Evaluate(new EvaluationContext(new Dictionary<string, decimal>(){["X"]=3,["Y"]=2}));
//result = 25

What’s next

You can learn the more about the Syntax Validation or go to the docs.